Picture this:
You’re me, a meal planning expert who has been asked to sit in on a fellow blogger and parenting expert’s Facebook group to talk to her members about how they can Take charge! Simplify! Find routine! Cook dinner without going crazy!
…And your 4 year old choose that night, that very freaking night, to stage a protest about bedtime.
Here are the facts, as we know them to be true:
My daughter’s bedtime: 7:30/8pm.
The time I was supposed to be presenting on Facebook Live: 8:30pm.
My husband’s whereabouts: at work that night til around 1am.
The time my daughter finally stopped appearing in the shadows of her bedroom door with some other inane question or request: 11 pm.
ELEVEN PM. Sweet mother of dragons.
Guys, I nearly lost it. In fact, I kinda did. I was almost 30 minutes late for my live broadcast in Rebecca Bailey’s Parenting Academy private Facebook group, and my
I even started filming Instastories of the craziness and back-and-forth of it all, which you can see here on my Instagram profile under the title, “Kids, Man.”
I mean, how ironic is it that the night I was supposed to showcase how cool, calm, and collected I was as a working mom, that that would be the night I wound up instead showcasing that my life is just as insane as yours is.
Anyway, at the end of the day, I was able to get on the Live and share my story, ideas, and shortcuts with Rachel’s members. My daughter eventually went to bed. And then we all got up the next day and battled the crazy some more.
It’s real life. Kids are crazy. I’m always tired. But we’re making it work.
Check out the Facebook Live recap below!
Great job, Ruthy!